Priory Farm Music Camp
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Priory Farm Music Camp combines wild, outdoor settings with high quality music making and aims to build confidence and joy in children and a safe space for them to return to year after year. What began as a small garden camp for 9 children has grown into something lasting and special with hundreds of children and young people returning again and again to different PFMC venues to be part of this beautiful, joyous and ever growing musical family.

PFMC consistently achieves very high standards of teaching and playing together, both in small, intimate groupings and large, joyous numbers, whilst always making sure that the musicians who are just starting out are nurtured and supported and are at the very center of the vision, both musically and socially. Building confidence starts with having fun - both on - and away from - our instruments.

Why outdoors?

It is in direct contrast to the screen-centred lifestyle of many young people, but also many young musicians, who generally play, learn and practise within four walls. PFMC blows these walls down, like a good wolf, and plants our feet on the ground, out there, so we can make our music part of the soundscape of the world around us, mingling with birds, leaves, air, river, cracking twigs and flapping clothing or canvas.

To feel connected to each other in the joy and wonder of this new way of existing and playing music, to share it, to feel safe and energised simultaneously

If we let go of routine and shed cultural expectations of, and reliance on, formality, institution, the classroom, technology:

  • we become free to shout, cry, laugh, team up together, be brave, be quiet, sing, try hard, watch and listen, do our best, have a go

  • we create connections between these liberated sparks in ourselves, and the scenery around us.

We should strive to - and we are entitled to - have times when we are full of joy.

Adelaide Carlow

Adelaide is the founder and director of Priory Farm Music Camp. Having studied music and psychology, and ethnomusicology, Adelaide now teaches cello, piano and elementary violin. She founded and directs Milnathort Youth String Orchestra and delivers early years music classes in Kinross-shire and Fife. Adelaide enjoys arranging music for string groups, and for choirs, and she also loves leading non-audition community choirs up in Scotland and finds amazing human connection and inspiration through the natural voice and unaccompanied choral harmony. Her biggest passion is PFMC though, and she loves sharing it’s annual summery mini-world of music and happiness with her three children every year.

Sally Anne Anderson

Co-founder and music director Sally Anne Anderson plays violin with the Royal Liverpool Phil, and is Lead Musician for the Sistema-inspired music education program, In Harmony Liverpool. Specialising in group string teaching, Sally currently teaches over 350 children a week! She has created many resources to support her style of teaching including two series of books, ‘Tune Up!’ and ‘Sticks & Blobs’. Sally coaches at the NCO having been a member as a child. As faculty member of The Till Project, Sally is enthusiastically developing ways for teaching healthy string playing. PFMC is an annual highlight for her and her children, and Sally especially enjoys conducting the camp orchestra using techniques that allow children to feel the music from the inside out.