Priory Farm Music Camp is committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold about you and your child and children in your care.

This privacy notice is intended for:

PFMC participants and their parents, staff and volunteers, donors and supporters of PFMC. 

The purpose of this policy is to give a clear explanation as to how PFMC uses the information we collect from the above parties. PFMC is a ‘data controller’.

The lawful basis for obtaining and using personal data:

PFMC needs data in order to fulfil its contractual obligations with parents in order to provide them with the residential experience for which they or their children have applied. Parents or guardians with children under the age of 16 will act on behalf of their children. Children over 16 years of age are deemed competent to understand this privacy statement.

We will only process personal data where we have one of six ‘lawful bases’ to do so under Article 6 of the EU General Data Protection Regulations.

Most commonly:

  • To fulfil a contract with the individual

  • For the legitimate interests of PFMC (provided the individual’s rights and freedoms are not overridden);

  • Where the individual (or their parent/carer if under the age of 16) has freely given consent. And exceptionally:

  • To comply with a legal obligation;

  • To ensure the vital interests of the individual e.g. to protect someone’s life;

  • To perform a task in the public interest.

The personal data we hold

PFMC will use the information you provided in your initial application and may supplement this with additional information which you provide following this.

Personal data that we may collect, use, store and share (see Data Sharing below) about individuals includes, but is not restricted to:

  • Your full name, title, date of birth and gender;

  • Postal address, email address and phone number;

  • IP (internet protocol) address e.g. cookies;

  • Emergency contact details and contact preferences;

  • Instruments played and grades attained;

  • Any relevant individual educational needs;

  • Details of any medical conditions or dietary requirements;

  • Safeguarding information;

  • Details of any support received;

  • Photographs and video recording (see below);

Why we use this data

We use this data to:

• Administer, organise and deliver residential music camps;

• Manage campers’ registration, participation in, and progression through camp;

• Support learning;

• Provide appropriate pastoral care and ensure welfare of children while in our custody;

• Protect camper welfare and meet our legal obligations relating to child protection and


• Assess the quality of our services;

• Administer applicants waiting lists;

• Carry out research;

• Share with partners for joint activities;

• Administer payments and donations;

• Keep you updated with PFMC activities that are relevant to you;

• Offer you opportunities to engage further with our activities;

• Further fundraising activities on behalf of PFMC

• Keep in touch with our alumni;

• Generate publicity and advertise PFMC

• Promote events;

• Celebrate the success of our campers and raise awareness of their achievements;

• Support PFMC’s aim which, as a not-for-profit organisation, is to provide an inspirational and artistic environment during its two weeks of activity each year, during which young musicians can come together to develop their musicianship and confidence in a distraction-free environment.

Photographs and Video Recording

As part of PFMC’s activities, we will take photographs and record videos of groups and performers at events for which PFMC is an organiser or contributor. Such material will be used solely by PFMC for publicity e.g. flyers and other similar information about the camps, displayed on our premises, on banners at events and on our website, social media purposes, fundraising or other purposes to help achieve PFMC’s aim.

When using photographs and videos for publicity, display or website purposes, we will not accompany them with any other personal information about the child, to ensure they cannot be identified. Although we will carefully use images on the basis of our ‘legitimate interests’ (see above), we understand there may be occasions where individuals give good reason why we should withdraw certain images.

If you ask us to withdraw an image with good cause, we will delete the photograph or video and not distribute it further. Images that might cause embarrassment or distress will not be used.

Data sharing

Where it is legally required, or necessary for the reasonable undertaking of our business activities (and it complies with data protection law) we may share personal information with:

• Suppliers and service providers– to enable them to provide the service we have contracted them for;

• Local government to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with it, such as safeguarding concerns;

•PFMC venues to ensure camper safety during the week and to ensure any individual needs are met;

• Health and social welfare organisations;

• Professional advisers and consultants;

• Police forces, courts, tribunals;

Security of your personal data

We will put in place appropriate safeguards (both in terms of our procedures and the technology we use) to keep your personal information confidential and as secure as possible. Your data will only be accessible to authorised staff and volunteers. We will ensure that any third parties we use for processing your personal information do the same.

Information will be stored for only as long as it is needed or required by statute and will be disposed of appropriately.

We will not transfer, process or store your data anywhere that is outside of the European Economic Area.

We undertake to report any data breaches in accordance with Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulations guidelines.

Your rights to your personal information

You have the right to request a copy of the personal information that we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies in this data corrected. Please use the contact details at the end of this policy if you would like to exercise this right.

Contact details and further information

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about any aspect of this privacy policy, and in particular if you would like to object to any processing of your personal information that we carry out for our legitimate organisational interests.

All enquiries relating to this policy and/or the storage of your personal information by GBMC should be addressed to:

Adelaide Carlow

Coach House

Arnot Tower




Created: May 2022. Due for review and renewal: May 2024 

Priory Farm Music Camp

Coach House, Arnot Tower, Fife KY6 3JQ

Tel 07790 568460