We welcome requests for information and applications from people from all backgrounds. Every year we have the excitement of welcoming a new generation of musicians. The more diverse this group can be, the more enriched and wonderful it will be for all. We want the way we run our music camp (innovative, accessible, carefully tailored, fun and energetic) to reach all young people who love music and the outdoors, regardless of background, ability, or financial barriers.

We recognise that much of the music we admire, play and teach comes directly from the music of black composers and musicians, here in the UK and all around the world. We are proud of a diverse repertoire that celebrates and honours minoritised cultures. We are striving to increase the diversity in our team because we want young people of all backgrounds to see themselves represented and supported in music education, and in orchestras and chamber groups. We welcome interest from and conversation with anyone who shares this vision and who can help us achieve this aim and we will do our best to create roles for people from minoritised backgrounds if they apply to work at PFMC.

All enquiries relating to this statement should be addressed to:

Adelaide Carlow
Coach House
Arnot Tower


Created: May 2022. Reviewed November 2022. Due for review and renewal: May 2024.

Priory Farm Music Camp
Coach House,
Arnot Tower,
Tel: 07790 568460