How is PFMC+ different?

It is different in it’s choice of venue - most music courses use a school, or institutions where the music happens very much inside. PFMC, on the other hand gathers musicians and adventurers in a safe but proper camp with campfires, fields and forests. Music, no less carefully or thoughtfully shared and taught, takes place in large and small groups, in the shelter of various unusual spaces, ranging from bothies to barns and pigeoncotes to riding schools. Open air is sometimes an option too, but only if the weather is calm, dry and warm. We pepper the garden with shady areas, so we can all be outside in hot weather, to play and sing. The mingling of environments connects excellent music to the beauty of nature and adds that bit of wild into the mix - and this, above all, is what makes our camps so exciting.

Although PFMC+ teaches and demonstrates the joy of ensemble playing rather than one to one lessons, we check in with our musicians at an individual level, and with a team of experts offering advice and guidance, we are able support you to be comfortable and happy in your playing and above all, we aim to build your confidence.

David & George