
Our bursary awards are by kind donation of past parents and generous friends of Priory Farm Music Camp, and are awarded on the basis of financial need. If you would like to donate towards this fund either as a one-off or annually, please email us about this, and thank you for thinking of helping us to reach more children who could not otherwise attend PFMC.

Please also have a look at your local council website, and ask at your local library for a list of bursaries and grants that are sometimes available at a local and community level. There are also national awards you can apply for which are listed below.

Awards for young musicians https://www.a-y-m.org.uk

ESTA https://www.estastrings.org.uk/bursaries/joan-dickson-chamber-music-fund/

Dewar Arts Awards https://www.dewarawards.org

CLICK HERE to apply for a PFMC bursary

We welcome requests for information and applications from people from all backgrounds. We want the way we run our music camp (innovative, accessible, carefully tailored, fun and energetic) to reach all young people who love music and the outdoors, regardless of background, ability, or financial barriers.

David & George